The Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), established in 1984, promotes a free enterprise approach to global economic justice through expanded capital ownership. CESJ is a non-profit, non-partisan, ecumenical, all-volunteer organization with an educational and research mission.CESJ’s global membership shares a common set of moral values and works together toward a common purpose, transforming good ideas into effective action.
Building upon the ideals of the American Revolution–which was really a ‘New World’ revolution to spread political democracy globally–CESJ focuses on extending economic empowerment to all. Going beyond the mere rhetoric of empowerment, CESJ has developed a common-sense, comprehensive plan–the Capital Homestead Act–to liberate every person economically. To build equity with efficiency at the workplace, CESJ has developed a management system for corporations of the 21st Century known as ‘Justice-Based Management.’
CESJ’s macro- and micro-economic concepts and applications are derived from the economic theories and principles of economic justice developed by the late lawyer-economist Louis Kelso and the Aristotelian philosopher Mortimer Adler. Combined with the ideas of Social Justice developed by Pius XI and refined by one of CESJ’s founders, the late philosopher Rev. William Ferree, these ideas offer a new paradigm for the world of the 21st Century. We call this new paradigm–which transcends the power- and ownership-concentrating wage systems of traditional capitalism and traditional socialism–‘the Just Third Way.’
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