Employee Ownership Video Collection Teaching Addendum  - CLEO Skip to main content


The Employee Ownership Video Collection Teaching Addendum presented by the Foundation for Enterprise Development is divided into four sections, Teaching in Entrepreneurship Programs, the History of Broad-Based Ownership, Innovation and High-Tech, and Money and People. This video outline is designed to explore the ways to incorporate employee ownership in your class curriculum, learn about the early beginnings of employee ownership and how it has evolved especially in the high-tech fields, and to discover the culture of participation embraced by employee-owned businesses.

I. Teaching in Entrepreneurship Programs
A. Employee Ownership for Start-ups

II. History of Broad-Based Ownership
A. Beginning of Employee Ownership in the US

B. EO Role in Firms with Higher Collaboration, Trust, Empowerment, Accountability

C. Use of Mondragon Co-operative Model to Create Economic and Social Good

D. Perspectives on Employee Ownership as Part of Alternative Models of Capitalism

E. The Role of Employee Ownership in a Sustainable Economy

III. Innovation & High-Tech
A. Ownership Paradigm in High-Technology Companies

B. Major Research on What Works and What Doesn’t

IV. Money & People
A. Founders Creating Wealth by Sharing Ownership

B. Majority Ownership through ESOP’s

C. New Partnerships through Employee Ownership