Sustaining Employee Ownership for the Long Term: The Challenge of the Mature ESOP Company
What do veteran ESOP companies have much to teach us about what it takes to sustain employee ownership over the long term?
What do veteran ESOP companies have much to teach us about what it takes to sustain employee ownership over the long term?
Flexpak Corporation, has been a leader in providing thermoforming and packaging services to its clients for many years. The employee-owned company, founded in 1974 by Donald Bond is headquartered a few minutes from downtown Phoenix, Ariz.
Many workers view stock options as a way to get a piece of their company’s action and share a stake in its overall performance. But what’s in it for employers?
Learn more about a unique engineering company that has been providing critical infrastructure services throughout southern California since 1986…
The European Federation of Employee Share Ownership (EFES) acts as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.
Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand (EOA) was formed in July 2011 out of the Australian Employee Ownership Association (AEOA). EOA has the same principles as those shared of the AEOA’s founders. When AEOA was formed by 20 companies in 1986 its principles were to be a member-focused, non-profit association. Its purpose was to assist members with their employee ownership (or co-ownership) plan, employee engagement and involvement and employee participation levels
Ronald J. Gilbert, President of ESOP Services, Inc,. discusses the leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), highlighting the mechanics, advantages, and financing sources. ESOP Services, Inc.’s professionals are experienced in preliminary analysis, plan and financial transaction design, implementation, financing, ESOP termination and litigation support.
As the baby boom approaches retirement, prospects for employee ownership are ramping up…
The sustainability debate continues in the employee-ownership community. The fear that employee-owned companies will not be strong enough to survive without significant outside capital, which will end their employee ownership, is still very widespread…
Apart from the extreme cases that get publicized, are employee stock ownership plans generally good or bad for workers?
This paper analyzes a survey of employees from multiple companies to assess the extent to which employees are ignorant about company, group, and individual-based incentive pay plans and ESOPs.
This paper examines the effect of a variety of employee stock ownership programs – including ESOPs and broad based stock options – on employees’ holdings of their employers’ stock, their earnings and their wealth.
Frieda Takaki took a deep breath, filling her senses. She was about to make a very difficult decision. She took off her shoes, placed them next to her desk and started pacing her office barefoot as she was thinking aloud. “I can’t let this business close down,” she whispered. “I have to do something about it.” The answer was now abundantly clear: why wouldn’t the employees buy the business from the owners?
The ESOP – Employee Stock Ownership Plan – is, slowly, on the rise. These worker-owned businesses are more productive and could benefit the American economy.
Technically, an ESOP is a retirement plan and serves the purpose of accumulating retirement savings for the company’s employees. In practice, however, they can act as a cash buyer of private company stock, thus creating a source of liquidity for the company’s owners.
Maui Divers established its employee ownership plan in 1997. Maui Divers store managers/employee owners embrace the business as their own. Although the final decision belongs to the company management team, store managers excel in increasing sales and they continuously come up with business plans in order to make the business better.
The report is a rigorous study of the available international evidence into how companies with significant employee ownership perform, on a range of key business indicators.
This research looks at how employee-owned businesses performed before and during the 2007-2009 recession. This report assesses the financial performance of employee-owned businesses compared with conventionally structured companies where employees do not have a significant stake in ownership or the right to participate in decision-making.
Newsletter of The Beyster Institute, helping to build entrepreneurial companies through employee ownership.
Founded in 1979 as Job Ownership Limited, the Employee Ownership Association is a registered charity committed to generating new evidence and thinking about employee ownership.
The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) is a private, nonprofit membership and research organization that serves as the leading source of information on employee stock ownership plans, equity compensation plans such as stock options, and ownership culture.
The Center for Economic and Social Justice is a non-profit, non-partisan education and research organization dedicated to promoting economic justice on a global scale by expanding capital ownership to a broader segment of society.
Since its inception in 1978, The ESOP Association has represented the interests of all corporations that sponsor employee stock ownership plans, or ESOPs.
Louis O. Kelso (1913-91) was a political economist in the classical tradition of Smith, Marx and Keynes. He was also a corporate and financial lawyer, author, lecturer and merchant banker who is chiefly remembered today as the inventor and pioneer of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), the prototype of the leveraged buy-out which Kelso invented to enable working people without savings to buy stock in their employer company and pay for it out of its future dividend yield.
The ESOP Association Canada is a non-profit organization founded to promote the concept of employee ownership for business in Canada.