Managing an Employee-Owned Company. It’s Different. It’s Better.
Ask Don about what it’s like to run a company where the employees are stockholders, and he can wax warm and fuzzy.
Ask Don about what it’s like to run a company where the employees are stockholders, and he can wax warm and fuzzy.
At Coast Citrus, the employees are eligible to participate in the ESOP after completing 500 hours and/or three months of service. Currently the company is 70 percent employee owned.
Curriculum material for Beyster Institute’s Employee Ownership Management Program, a seminar presented at the Rady School, UCSD.
What is workplace democracy? Workplace democracy is generally understood as the application of democratic practices, such as voting, debate and participatory decision-making systems, to the workplace.
The Beyster Institute at UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management works to advance the understanding and practice of employee ownership as an effective and responsible business model. We focus on education, research and consulting to promote employee ownership and the creation of effective ownership cultures.
The first ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) came into being in 1956. This article describes the origin and history of the ESOP and explains why ESOPs will increasingly become the business succession tool of choice for many owners of privately held businesses.
The Vermont Employee Ownership Center works to promote and foster employee ownership of Vermont businesses. We provide information and resources to owners interested in selling their business to their employees, employee groups interested in purchasing a business, and entrepreneurs who wish to start up a company with broadly shared ownership.
This Teaching module shows four areas in the entrepreneurship curriculum where teaching about employee ownership can 1) put a needed spotlight on this widespread and useful practice and 2) add conceptual value and rich examples for the course topics being taught…
We examine how employee ownership is used to solve the agency problem between institutional investment management firms and employees.
The Beyster Fellowship Symposium brings together academic leaders and new scholars involved with evaluating broad-based employee ownership (EO) and entrepreneurism. The first symposium was held July 2009 in La Jolla, CA. Over 40 academics shared their research findings and participated in an MIT Enterprise Forum panel discussion, which was attended by more than 200 people. The following are videos of Symposium presentations highlighting multiple dimensions of the history, development, and process of employee ownership.
The project subjects the existing regulatory regime for employee share ownership plans in Australia – in tax, corporate and labour law – to technical and empirical scrutiny. This research report presents findings from a survey of employee share ownership practice in ASXlisted companies.
We examine whether options granted to non-executive employees affect the performance of the firm by exploring the link between broad-based option plans, option portfolio implied incentives, and firm operating performance.
Based on ten case studies, the report explains what motivated a highly diverse mix of businesses to consider employee ownership as a succession or start up route.
The Toronto-based advertising and communications agency recently implemented an employee share ownership plan (ESOP), that has allotted 49 per cent of the company’s shares to potential and existing staff members.
This paper reviews the main strands of research on employee share ownership over the last forty years.
‘Making employee ownership work’ is a new guide from the Employee Ownership Association and co-ownership advisers the Baxi Partnership, based on a survey of 25 EOA member companies including John Lewis, Unipart, Arup and Mott MacDonald.
The report, on which EOA advised, concludes that employee ownership of the kind pioneered by Central Surrey Health has a valuable role to play but needs support from policy makers.
Through this article, we will demonstrate how the creation of private insurance coverage for ESOPs would help to eliminate, or at least reduce, the problem of the large downside risks associated with these quasi-retirement plans. In order to fully develop this assertion and the reasoning behind it, we will explore how ESOPs fit within ERISA. … Read More
This intensive summer course is an opportunity for participants to be exposed first-hand to a unique organizational model of participatory leadership, management, ownership and decision making by attending lecture and visiting sites at the Mondragon Corporacion Cooperative (MCC) in Mondragon, Spain.
In March, 2007, Michael Foley, Chief Executive Officer of Reflexite Corporation, had to decide whether to proceed with a change in the company’s employee stock ownership plan. Foley, still in his first year as CEO, pondered the situation: the employees had spoken, but when the man who had built the company strongly objected, shouldn’t one listen?
What is an ESOP? Employee Stock Ownership Plans, or ESOPs, were designed as a way to put ownership into the hands of American workers.
The firm was meeting to grapple with a thorny issue—whether or not to expand their production capability and, if so, where. Early in its history, LightWorks had set up an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, under which employees gradually built up equity in the closely-held firm.
I view corporate governance as a process of designing and implementing various implicit and explicit contracts among capital providers, corporate managers, workers, and other important stakeholders. In my talk today, I will expand the scope of the typical shareholder value focus to consider the design and implementation of contracts with other stakeholders, particularly employees and organized labor.
The project subjects the existing regulatory regime for employee share ownership plans in Australia – in tax, corporate and labour law – to technical and empirical scrutiny. This report considers the objectives and current practice in this area and notes that employee ownership levels tend to be lower for unlisted entities than for listed entities. It also examines the regulatory obstacles to such ownership and makes recommendations for reform to facilitate employee ownership in this area.
Thoroughly revised with an expanded focus on employee ownership and workplace democracy, Companies We Keep celebrates the idea that when employees share in the rewards as well as the responsibility for the decisions they make, better decisions result.